December 12, 2022

Some Muslims believe Jesus died on the Cross

Some Muslims believe Jesus died on the Cross

Within Islam, there are eight different views on the Crucifixion. Two of these views affirm that Jesus died a mortal death on the cross. 

The Ismaili Martyr Theory

The Ismaili Martyr Theory claims that the reason that God denies the killing is because Jesus was not, in fact, killed in the soul but only his body because martyrs don’t actually die.

References for the Ismaili Martyer Theory:

The Divine Rapture Theory

The Divine Rapture Theory is the only Theory derived from the Quran. According to this theory, Jesus died on the cross but was not killed by the cross. He did not die at the hands of his enemies. That's what they thought, but he was raptured up by God directly. Jesus offered up his soul, and God intervened and received it in full directly before they could kill him by asphyxiation.

References for the Divine Rapture Theory:

Full List of Islamic Views

1. The Substitution Theory
Version 1 Judas substituted as a punishment 
Version 2 Tatianos substituted as a punishment 
Version 3 Jesus had thirteen disciples, not twelve and the thirteenth disciple Sergius volunteered to be substituted 
Version 4 An unnamed disciple volunteered to be substituted 
Version 5 Simon of Cyrene volunteered to be substituted 

2. The Swoon Theory
Ahmadiyya version 
Jesus was unconscious, but they thought he died, then after coming out of the tomb he met his disciples and traveled to India, and died there when he was 120 years old. 
This version is held by Muslim apologists Shabir Ally and Imran Hossein
Jesus was unconscious but they thought he died, then after coming out of the tomb he met his disciples and finally ascended. 

3. The Mirage Theory
Abu Hayyan the sunni commentator holds this view
An angel miraculously intervened to save Jesus, and they crucified a mirage in his place, thinking it was him.

4. The Rumor Theory
al-Māturīdī the Sunni scholar held this view
Jesus was raised up and saved before his enemies had the chance to kill him. They understood that his ascension was a miracle proving that he was really a prophet, but they did not want people to know what they had seen. Thus, they simply made up the story that they had killed and crucified Jesus.

5. The Mistaken Identity Theory
‘Abd al-Jabbār the Mu'tazilite theologian's version
Version 1 As no one knew who Jesus was, the Romans asked him to identify him for them. Judas pointed out another, innocent man and identified him as Jesus. The Romans could not have known of the deception, otherwise, why would they have needed someone like Judas to identify Jesus in the first place? Thus, when Judas laments that he has shed innocent blood, the meaning is clear: he caused a completely random and irrelevant death as a result of his desire to protect his master. Thus, he hanged himself in despair. 
Version 2 Jesus had a twin brother Thomas Didymos, and he was crucified instead of him.
Version 3 Jesus Barabbas was Jesus son of Mary, and he was released then another Jesus was crucified.

6. The Romans Crucified Jesus Theory
Since the Quran says Jews didn't kill him by crucifixion, William Montgomery Watt argues that even a Christian might accept the Quran’s statement on the crucifixion, “since the crucifixion was the work of Roman soldiers, and it is also true in a deeper sense since the crucifixion was not a victory for the Jews in view of his resurrection”.
Some western Muslim scholars also hold this view.

7. The Ismaili Martyr Theory
This theory claims that the reason that God denies the killing is because Jesus was not, in fact, killed in the soul but only in the body because martyrs don’t actually die. 

8. The divine rapture Theory
This is the only theory derived from the Quran. According to this theory, Jesus died on the cross but was not killed by the cross. He did not die at the hands of his enemies. That's what they thought, but he was raptured up by God directly. Jesus offered up his soul, and God intervened and received it in full directly before they could kill him by asphyxiation.

See also the post on 'Son of God' terminology and Islam. Not all Muslims object to the Son of God terminology.

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